Save the Salt Pond Blueberry Barrens!

A developer from Kennebunk is proposing to turn the blueberry barrens along Route 172 (Salt Pond Rd) that overlook the Salt Pond as you drive south out of Blue Hill into a 9-house subdivision.

The construction would destroy a unique landscape, potentially limit access to Carleton Stream for commercial elver fishermen and women who have fished it for generations, and potentially endanger local wildlife and aquaculture in and around the Salt Pond.

We want to work with local organizations to see the land preserved and maintained for future generations to enjoy.

A Packed House

Photo courtesy of Stephen Greenberg.

More than 150 people packed into the town hall, with another 50 unable to get in, for what was, by all accounts, the largest meeting of the planning board ever. There was unanimous opposition to the development among those who spoke, making it clear that the Barrens are a unique piece of our community that we will not let be turned into a subdivision.

Now we have to keep the pressure on between now and the next meeting of the planning board, which will decide on the proposal..

Next Steps

The proposal has already been rejected once by the Blue Hill Planning Board and the Board is now considering a (slightly) revised proposal from the developer:

We will update the website and send out email announcements as soon as we have information about next meetings.

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This website has been organized and maintained with donated time and labor by neighbors around the barrens.