Get involved

Below, you'll find ways to get involved and help. We need everyone's voice to be heard.

Come to the meetings

First and foremost we need folks to turn out to the Planning Board Meetings. The Board needs to hear from people around the peninsula what this land means to them and to the community.

As soon as we have information about the next meeting we will post it here. Thank you!

Write to the board

The public comment section of the Planning Board schedule is now closed. But please continue sending letters to the Weekly Packet and Ellsworth American, the Planning Board definitely reads them.

Suggested Talking Points

  • What does the site mean to you? Why is it special / rare / singular / iconic?
  • Have you ever photographed the site? Or painted it? Or walked on it? Or fished there? Tell them about it.
  • If you care about the water quality in the Salt Pond watershed and are worried that this project will negatively impact it, write about that.
  • If you want to preserve the wildlife in the area and are worried how this project will impact it? Write about that.
  • The Blue Hill Comprehensive Plan talks about wanting to retain the “rural, small town character” of the town and concentrate future development towards the town center. If you feel like that’s a goal you agree with and that this development is not in keeping with that goal - write about that.

Hand out flyers around town

Print out some flyers and hang them up around town -- or take a few minutes handing them out  at the grocery store or farmers' market or car show.

Download the flyer here.

Sign the petition

Take a minute to sign our petition and forward it on to a few folks you know.

Thank you

Whatever you're able to do to help, thank you. Thank you for helping to protect this important and irreplaceable piece of land.

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This website has been organized and maintained with donated time and labor by neighbors around the barrens.